ČSKB prof. Dr. Gábor L. Kovács


Date and place of birth: March 15, 1948, Pécs, Hungary

M.D., 1972, University Medical School, Pécs
Ph.D., 1979, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
D.Sc., 1986, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
M.H.A.S. (Member of Hungarian Academy of Sciences), 2004

Professional career:
1972-1976 research assistant, Inst. of Physiology, University Medical School, Pécs, Hungary
1976-1977 assistant professor, Inst. of Pathophysiology, University Medical School, Szegéd, Hungary
1977-1978 research fellow, Rudolf Magnus Inst. of Pharmacology, University of Utrecht, The Netherlands
1978-1985 senior assistant professor, Inst. of Pathophysiology, University Medical School, Szegéd, Hungary
1985-1987 associate professor, Inst. of Pathophysiology, University Medical School, Szegéd, Hungary
1990-2000 medical director, Markuszovsky Teaching Hospital, Szombathely, Hungary
1987-2004 head, Central Laboratory, Markuszovsky Teaching Hospital, Szombathely, Hungary

Present position:
2001 - Director, Institute of Diagnostics and Management, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Pécs
2004 - Director, Institute of Laboratory Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Pécs
2005 - Dean, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Pécs

Major research interests:
Endocrine and immune disturbances during ethanol and narcotic addiction, diagnostic significance of neuronal peptides

Scientific Societies:
Hungarian Society of Clinical Pathology, past president
Hungarian Endocrine Society, board member
Hungarian Physiological Society
Hungarian Society of Clinical Pathology
International Brain Research Organisation
International Psychoneuroendocrine Society
European Neuroendocrine Society
European Brain and Behaviour Society
European Neuroscience Society
Executive Board of the Federation of European Societies of Clinical Chemistry

Advisory board:
president of the Advisory Board on Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine of the Minister of health
member of the National Council on Higher Education in Medicine

Editorial activity:
Scandinavian Journal of Clin. Lab. Invest, advisory board member
Clin. Chem. and Lab. Medicine, referee
Alps-Adria Journal of Medicine, advisory board member
European Journal of Pharmacology, standard referee

Publication activity:
48 book chapters
188 peer-reviewed papers
441 conference papers
cumulative impact factor 303,2, citations (CI) 4042

Pándy Award of the Hungarian Society of Clin. Pathology 1992
Honorary member, Romanian Society of Laboratory Medicine 1997
Cross of the Hungarian Republic 1998
International Award of the American Association of Clinical Chemistry (1999)
Distinguished Professor of the University (Univ. of Pécs) 2000
Award for the Achievement of the Year (Univ. of Pécs) 2001
Research Award of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences 2002
Albert Szent-Györgyi Award for Higher Education 2004
Czech Society of Clinical Biochemistry (CSCB) 2005
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